Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Using The Ad Filter For Adsense

I have heard this a few times..why would I want my competitors ads running on my website or blog? If this is something that you do not want then there is a very easy fix for that and it's called the ad filter.very easy to use. All you will need to do is log into your adsense account at the top of the page you will see adsense set up. Click on the page and then you will see the tab across the top that says competitive ad filter. As an example I will use a sporting goods site . So if I owed a sporting goods store and I didn't want the competitors ads running on my pages I will add the the url that would look like this sportsgoods.com and adding the url to the adsense for content box will stop any ads running of the type.
Another example would be if you just wanted to block certain types of sport like footbal you would add this url sportinggoods.footbal.com and that will block any ads that have football in the domain.
There are many things at adsense that can help you so take the time to just go to google adsense and read a few things there. Have any questions I will be more then happy to answer them gfor you here.

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