Sunday, August 12, 2007

Google Adsense Ads and Where To Place Them

If you have a blog at blogspot then you have several options on where to place your ads. The recommendation is that the ads at the top left will be the ones that are looked at the most. Why no one knows.But when trying to find the placement of your ads use different things like the ads for content across the top of your blog but try them with no border and the blend template option.Any ad you place on your blog you will want to use the blend or match option as this makes the ads look more like a part of your blog and not blatant advertising.
In your sidebar you may want to add some links and one or two spots as well, for your viewers to have other options to look at if they aren't finding what they need on your site.look at it like this if they can't find what they need at my site at least I can earn something for sending them to another site that may have exactly what they want. Could also be that they will want to check out your competition and see what they have and come back to your site as well.
There is a few blogs to take a look at the uses the adsense ads very effectively and you hardly notice that there are ads anywhere in the blog as they are so well blended into the blog its self.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

congratulations with your new design, its looks great with the logo,
