Sunday, September 2, 2007

Tons of Responses to the TOS for Adsense Post

Many of my readers were very happy that I did the post on the TOS of Adsense. they had no idea that you were not allowed to add your site with adsense on it to a free traffic site. I am very happy that they read the post and gained some awesome info and didn't lose their adsense account.
I was hoping for this blog to be just that ,a helpful tool for others using adsense . So my goal is to not only help you earn money with adsense but also follow all of their rules too so that you will never have to worry about getting your account banned.
Ok so lets go over a another big TOS of Adsense and that is asking others to CLICK YOUR ADS !!! That is the worst infraction and when (as they will) they find out about that your account will be banned and you will never be allowed another adsense account. So please take into account that yes you can earn great money with adsense if done properly so there is NO need to ever ask others to click on your adsense ads.
Adsense places ads on your site that when someone is doing a search for that term your site will come up and any ads you have on your page will be in that vein too. So if they came to your page and didn't see exactly what they wanted then you have given them other options with your adsense ads. Thats how it works.

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